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Growth Mindset and Eco-System Leadership

This innovative work introduces the concept of eco-system leadership, highlighting its alignment with a purpose-driven growth mindset—a key to addressing the challenges posed by our changing world.
Skip Bowman, keynote speaker on psychological safety and growth mindset

In his groundbreaking book, “Safe to Great: The New Psychology of Leadership,” Skip Bowman draws inspiration from Carol Dweck’s growth mindset and applies it to the urgent context of climate change.

This innovative work introduces the concept of eco-system leadership, highlighting its alignment with a purpose-driven growth mindset—a key to addressing the challenges posed by our changing world.

Bowman’s approach builds upon Carol Dweck’s renowned growth mindset, transforming it into a collective imperative suited for the demands of today. He takes the growth mindset beyond the individual level and situates it within eco-system leadership—an approach that emphasizes adaptability, collaboration, and transformation.

“Eco-system leadership” marks a profound shift from the traditional “ego-centric” approach.

Where ego-centric leadership is often characterized by individualistic pursuits and a focus on personal success, eco-system leadership places the collective well-being at its heart.

It’s an acknowledgment that the challenges of climate change and sustainability are too vast and interconnected to be addressed solely by individual efforts.

Embracing eco-system leadership requires leaders to extend their vision beyond their own organizations, to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, and to work towards a shared purpose that benefits not only their own success but also the health of the planet and its inhabitants.

At its core, this mindset is encapsulated in the leadership principle “Transform,” which underscores the need to shift from profit-focused growth to purpose-oriented growth, resonating with the ongoing global shift towards sustainability.

The book “Safe to Great: The New Psychology of Leadership” underscores the necessity of leaders embracing a growth mindset that extends beyond individual progress to encompass the well-being of the planet. Bowman’s work intertwines this mindset with eco-system leadership, demonstrating that addressing climate change requires a collective shift in perspectives and actions.

This synthesis marks an evolution in leadership, highlighting the need for growth that is harmonized with the greater good.

“Safe to Great: The New Psychology of Leadership” serves as a guide for leaders navigating the complexities of today’s world. Bowman’s application of the growth mindset concept is a call for leaders to adapt and collaborate, with an emphasis on purpose-driven action.

By recognizing the interdependence of our actions and their environmental impact, the book becomes a roadmap for creating a sustainable future—one where leadership converges with shared purpose.

In essence, Skip Bowman’s work bridges Carol Dweck’s growth mindset with the emerging paradigm of eco-system leadership.

This adaptation is a practical response to the challenges posed by climate change, urging leaders to embrace a growth mindset that is deeply intertwined with a commitment to a sustainable world.

The fusion of these concepts signifies a shift towards leadership that transcends individual gain and aligns with the broader imperative of global well-being.

Skip Bowman, keynote speaker on psychological safety and growth mindset

Skip Bowman

Author of Safe2Great, keynote speaker on psychological safety and growth mindset

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