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Hand Grenade
I believe we need to bring urgency to changing our societies, organisations and lives to prevent the extremes of climate change. And Leadership has a huge role to play. While most leaders are still talking about short-term goals and KPI’s, I want to create a new psychology of leadership that busts the status quo, tames toxic leaders and makes saving the planet the main reason we come to work everyday.
And, yes, it requires something special, shocking perhaps, to shatter the veneer of corporate indifference and cynicism.
One of the most important steps to take leadership from #great2green is to shift your communication focus to how you change the world rather than how you make money. Im not saying that Ebit, profit and market share don’t matter, they just don’t play a major part in a purpose-driven leadership or organisation.
To succeed, we need to re-imagine and reinvent organisations as movements. We need volunteers not employees. We need to attract people to our cause rather than just to buy our shares. We need to shape consumer behaviour, not to suit our business models, but to create the sustainable lives, communities and cities that value people and climate equally.
We had a great workshop this week turning pipes, valves and water into a world-changing, climate-saving and cool adventure. If we want to hit our 2 degree target, it’s time to pull the pin on old leadership and embrace a new, people and climate friendly model.
Skip Bowman
Author of Safe2Great, keynote speaker on psychological safety and growth mindset